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Reply to Dr Farhang Tahzib, Director of Public Health, Adur, Arun and Worthing NHS PCT


Response to Dr Tahzib’s reply.

TETRA masts: call for a different kind of research

Dear Dr Tahzib

Thank you for your kind reply to my letters. I am pleased that you have felt able to involve others in this matter, and look forward to conversing with Surrey Sussex Health Protection Agency.

Thank you too for your concern; I have indeed consulted with my doctor several times in recent weeks, and know that he too has written to you. I am sure that my GP is able to prescribe headache pills, creams for itchy skin and sleeping pills, but at present we agree that this is not entirely appropriate, since the attribution of my symptoms, along with those of many others, does appear to relate to the location and timing of the activation of this particular TETRA mast. As with my fellow residents, all my symptoms are entirely uncharacteristic to me and all coincident with this event. Pills and potions cannot be used in the long term, and this mast is here to stay, it seems.

What I asked of you was to undertake an epidemiological survey to seek the most likely cause of these symptoms amongst us. They are coincident with the location and timing of activation of this TETRA mast. We accept this may just be arbitrary coincidence, but from all the other experiences emerging around the UK, it does seem that there is something relevant to observe and report. If that is not the cause, then you have another cause on your hands also to detect and act upon.

Please, whatever you do, do not rely on the withered argument that there is "no current clinical evidence that TETRA masts might have an effect on people". All the research that your experts will offer you is already familiar to us, and it is ALL predictive, and none on human subjects in proximity to these installations. There is no epidemiological research on communities around the UK, who report exactly these symptoms, to confirm or deny the relation to TETRA technology. We are all being dismissed BECAUSE the government-preferred research evidence says it must be "unlikely".

You know as a professional that there is a world of difference between "we think it unlikely" and "this has happened, what caused it?" All predictions of the space shuttle were that it was extremely unlikely it would go wrong. Challenger proved the predictions incorrect, and people died. All research evidence pointed to the "fact" that prions from BSE cattle could not possibly cross to humans; government ministers fed beefburgers to their own children on TV to prove the point. All the research evidence was wrong. That is the current status of TETRA. Please act accordingly.

yours sincerely

Andy Davidson

cc: Steve Phoenix

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