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Letter to Ross Hollister, Sussex Police Airwave Project Manager


Mrs Keeling wanted to ask the police at a public consultation meeting in Chichester about the adverse health she experiences from the TETRA mast in Bognor. However, when the meeting Chair was asked about measuring the effects of TETRA on people living near masts, she abruptly closed the meeting and refused any reply and any further questions.

20 May 2004

Dear Mr Hollister,

I am writing to you to express my deep concerns about the way in which normal members of the public were treated at the meeting of the Sussex Police Authority in Chichester, last night. I was appalled that we were not allowed to ask simple questions on the subject of Tetra. Great Britain has always been a free country and had a Democratic system. It is our right to be heard, and let's be honest we all need to know more about the workings of the Tetra system, which I hold responsible for the rapid decline in my family's health!

When that sort of 'shut down' happens, it doesn't look bad for the people who are trying to ask questions, it looks very bad for the Authority, who will not or cannot answer the questions. I have a right to know if the Tetra system is causing my ill health and my nine-year-old son's heavy nosebleeds that can happen up to three times a day. The bleeds pour from both nostrils and can take up to twenty minutes to stop. Hello? I am frightened!!!! The faces in the audience last night looked absolutely horrified that we were told to stop asking questions! One lady, who I had never seen before in my life, whispered into my ear, 'It's turning into a Police State dear'. This looks very bad for our Police Force.

You, have absolutely nothing to fear from me. I am a single parent family, who needs a few questions answered and who is fighting for the return of a normal happy and healthy existence for my precious family. I do not have any grudge to bear with the Police, but I do have a right to express my anger at the way I was treated last night. I shall be writing to the press about the way in which we were told to shut up!

However, my question for you last night was neither technical nor hard to answer. You said I could send it to you for answering by post. I would like a full response please. I feel I can no longer allow my son's health to be ignored and passed off as nothing at all. I am a very worried lady. I do not scare easily. But, I do insist that the Police are listening and responding to the Public's needs. Therefore, my question is:

When are the Police and other authorities in power going to stop telling law-abiding citizens, such as myself, my son's and the rest of my neighbourhood that we are anecdotal evidence? When are you going to stop telling us that our ill health is not caused by Tetra, and that somehow we have been misled and talked into having headaches by the anti-Tetra groups? I am a 43 year old woman, who knows my own mind and in fact, the workings of my own body! When is someone going to start to collate and assess the ill health suffered by the people, living around Tetra mast base stations? Why are you frightened to investigate just what is happening to people, who declare they are ill, due to the fact that the masts are being installed too close to people's houses? What are you frightened of?

Perhaps, you are frightened of finding out the truth about Tetra. It would mean that you had to change your communications system, yet again…and I can see that this would be a huge upheaval for you but, surely to God it would also mean that you took the trouble to investigate into Tetra and having found it to be safe or unsafe, you, the Police acted properly and correctly and kept the public safe from harm. May I remind you that the truth does have a habit of coming out eventually, every Mother will tell you this…every Policeman, surely keeps this saying in his back pocket! The Police cannot take the risk that this system could be unsafe. It must be seen to protect the people of this country from all harm, wherever it emanates from.

I have been collating my own evidence since March of this year. Ordinary people have been writing to me on a daily basis. I know what is happening to the people of Bognor Regis. I do believe the people, in my town, who tell me that they are suffering headaches, nausea, nosebleeds and disorientation. I do not have any reason to disbelieve them. DO YOU??? I will be happy to show the Police, every letter, every email and my small tester health survey. I will be happy to introduce you to the suffering Public. I have nothing to hide from you…I would like the Police to have a new communication system of the highest quality. But, unfortunately I cannot sit back and watch my son's health decline because the system that you have chosen is the quite simply the wrong one!

It is quite simply 'because I love him, with all my heart' that I will fight to get Tetra tested and not because I wish to be a protester! You can pass me off as an antagonist, a protester, or whatever you want, if you so wish….or you can help, get to the bottom of this terrible situation by starting to listen. Innocent until proven guilty! One of the best British sayings,…..maybe, just maybe the people who are feeling unwell are innocent, in all this and maybe Airwave are guilty of lying or maybe it is the other way around? The answer is simple… HAVE TETRA TESTED…and you will then be more able to answer the questions that you appear to be afraid of.

I know this letter is long and I apologise for that. I have so many uncertainties to do with this subject. I do promise you that I am just a concerned parent. I would like to invite you to see for yourself the findings of the Independent Engineer that I am in touch with. I shall send his latest report by another email so that you can read it and have it assessed. I would also like to set up a meeting with yourself and the Engineer, so that you can see the pulsing of the base station in Bognor Regis, for yourself. This report has been sent to Nick Gibb MP, Dominic Reynolds, Chief Executive of A.D.C, Ian Sumnall and others. As, a matter of interest to you, my nine year old has just been sent home, today, from school having been sick and suffered yet another nosebleed. This means, I have to stop work to look after him and also means his education is being affected! Please listen, and help me to sort this confusion out. It is not acceptable to me, just to say that Government officials have to be believed blindly and anti -Tetra campaigners have to be disbelieved. We have BSE, thalidomide, Foot and Mouth, asbestos and many more terrible things, to thank for that!

Yours sincerely

Mandee Keeling

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