combined national class action to compensate for the effects on land and property of masts

a UK class action on land affected by telecommunications masts

mastVOICEuk supporters:




Aims and objectives of mastVOICEuk

With the continuing and unabated invasion of the Triffid-like structures known as Phone Masts (base stations), home owners and tenants alike are suffering from an onslaught never witnessed before. A raging torrent of concerns relate to health, and to an ever-depreciating value in what is the average person’s biggest investment, their home.

This campaign has been set up in an attempt to address the single issue of loss in value of land close to, and adversely affected by, mobile phone base stations.

The Electronic Communication Code (formally Schedule 2 of the Telecommunication Act 1984) has provision set out in Code 16 to enable a claim to be made against the Mobile Phone Operators through the Lands Tribunal. These claims relate to the affect on nearby land, whether this is a home, business or even a school. It could be due to a drop in value, or because the land cannot be used in the same way that it could previously (we deal with these aspects in detail elsewhere on this site).

Based on the notion that there is safety in numbers, we have set this campaign up first and foremost as a means of bringing together all those that have had a depreciation in their property due to a phone mast being placed nearby. Secondly it will enable a legal challenge to be lodged that will act as a standard-bearer for any subsequent applications for compensation.

We are asking those that want to become involved to subscribe to this campaign. We shall then investigate each potential claim in order to identify the case that will be give the greatest benefit to those that follow behind. This claim will then be taken forward as the test case, with the support of those that will benefit if we are successful. It must be stressed that at this stage no-one has been selected as the first claimant, and everyone who signs up will have their cases assessed for eligibility.

If you want to make a difference, and fight back in a way that is both positive and potentially of huge benefit to all those of us fighting mobile phone masts, then please sign up today, get involved and make a difference.